It's baccccckkkk!
Cue the Cubicle Earbuds: One of my favorite bands (headed by frontman, Ryan Tedder - Number 1 on the Homewrecking list) came out with their sophomore album, and even though it isn't drop dead awesome yet, it's growing on me QUITE quickly. I will be excited to return to the states to see
All the Right Moves by Ryan & co. in concert (again!)
Brit Slang of the Week: I've been learning Cockney. Just because I feel like I should. Things I've picked up -
"I'm all out of
bees" -
Bees = money. Bees & Honey rhymes with money.
"I just did it for a good
bubble" -
Bubble = laugh. Bubble bath rhymes with laugh.
"Man, I have quite the pain in my
Gregory" -
Gregory = neck. Gregory Peck rhymes with neck
Oh those cheeky Brits
What's on Telly: I have discovered podcasts - The Soup!, Chelsea Lately, NPR Programs (I'm such a grandma..) and my favorite 30 minutes of gawking - Anderson Cooper 360. As a friend of mine said, "He makes world issues sexy." Hahaha.
Mingers in the News: The students here are ticked! Apparently they are raising the prices of tuition here at Lancaster. It used to be less than half of what tuition is at Gettysburg to about half of what it is... I sympathize... to an extent. Uni Brits have no idea what the cost of an education is
really like. However, the protest was quite cool to see through my window...
Let's Get Cultured - British Style: Virginia & I atte
nded Dani's orchestra (and choir - but she wasn't in that) concert to learn things about British performances. 1) They don't turn the house lighting off. Awkward 2) The Choir sounds really good when they sing classical stuff. They sound a little ridiculous singing American favorites like Shenandoah [Mis-zerrrrriiiiiiiii] and Downtown 3) They make a big deal out of first chair, which is awesome since it was Dani 4) Dani totally owned their souls
It's 4:40pm, What Does Your World Look Like?: Dark
. Note the picture I took for all your viewing pleasure.
Ending the Week on a High Note: I'm missing my first Thanksgiving :(. However, I'm apparently being skyped in to family dinner (technology these days), going to a dinner provided by my lovely English women Laura & Emily, and making my first homemade pumpkin pie courtesy of
Paula Deene. I'm also attempting to make
this for a certain American boy's birthday. Wish me luck.