Monday, November 2, 2009

Lookin' Good in Lanc City [vol. VII]

Brit Slang of the Week: Tosser [noun] A person or thing that is useless, pathetic, or incapable of doing anything right That is one tosser of a computer. (You'll understand this example quite soon). [Note: When asking my friend, Tom, for suggestions he said 'reckon' and 'twat'. I told him those are too familiar and easy. Then he mentioned something being 'well good' and we realized that it's becoming harder to find words because they're becoming not only familiar to us, but part of our own vocabulary...]

The Biggest Minger Yet: My wonderful (bold faced lie) computer has decided to go crazy (again) at one of the best possible times (again - this time not the week before finals but while I'm in another country). Quotes from my friends on this matter: "That may be one of the worst possible things that could happen"; "I think I'd rather die"; "How are you surviving? There's no happiness in this place without a computer"; "What do you do with your days?"; "And you haven't thrown yourself off a building yet?" Yes, I love this country but you realize that your happiness stems from having that computer.

Reward for High Productivity: Because I am sans computer... I have higher productivity than maybe half this college. So to reward myself I'm getting a milkshake. I deserve it (I have very little else to look forward to...)

What's on Telly: If I can catch it (because God hates me and took away the only source of it) THE WORLD SERIES! However, Philadelphia Newspapers seemed to miss out on the games as well making this mistake. That's a cruel, cruel joke. Those boys better rally some more!

Hallow's Eve: England celebrates Halloween, too! However, unlike in the US where "Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it" (Courtesy of one of the bests), Halloween is the one night a year the British are not slutty and they make anything and everything scary. Us Americans were not having it. So Dani, Virginia, Nate and I went as the people from the Wizard of Oz. See if you can guess who was who.

Cue the Cubicle Earbuds: It seems that we have hit a rut in the new music world. Everything "new" here is old back in the US or it's just not British & fun. I was in a 90s music phase yet again (before I had no more music since it's with the computer). It's almost like we're now teaching the Brits music. We'll see this coming week if new things hit the radio waves.

Apres-Weekend Guilt: I surprisingly don't really have any because after the death of my computer, I have been super productive!

Takin' the Sting Out of Tosser Tuesday: I am getting myself that milkshake, making myself some potatoe salad a la Mrs. Heinlen style and going to the netball game with Miss Laura Hayes. I think there will be some planning to get off campus soon too with some flatmates and a possible blue-eyed Brit? I'm looking on the bright side :)

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