Thursday, October 29, 2009

World Series - World's Away Addition

I thought I'd drop a line to tell all the Philadelphia fans out there (Yankees fans, you can go away now...) how excited I am about game one. I got super excited when I was reading a Brit paper about the upcoming series. They said that the Phils were by far the best National League team, no question. I could have told them that. And yes, I stayed up to watch it at midnight. And yes I paid $9.95 so I could get - that's the only way you can watch it (or buy for 19.95) but I think it's worth it. I've decided Chase Utley and I are getting married. If not I'll take Jason or Cole (still mad he has a kid) or even Raul after last night... And if not naming the first born Chase. My friend Ryan, from Norristown, and I had facebook chat up (he's in Lancaster too...) screaming at each other everytime something happened. Ryan is going gay/having a sex change for Chase. Most love man in America lol. Moral of the story: I'm still a Phillies girl no matter what country I'm in.

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