Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I am hoping this will be my last really long blog because as of now I am officially a Lancaster University student until Dec 12. I can't believe I've been back for about 10 days now - it feels like it's been forever! And oh how I've missed this place... Tia always writes to me "You're never coming back". Well, that's a lie. I am. But only because I really like my family and friends. If any of you move over here it's later gator America.

In my efforts to not make this blog boring after my travel updates, I'm doing bullet points. Hopefully it'll be more interesting.

* My flat is in the George Fox Building. This is an academic building at the center of Lancaster's campus. Awesome location. It is part of Fylde College which in my opinion truly is the best college. I love everyone in it (From what I've heard, the other Americans are not as obsessed with their colleges as us Fyldeans). Unfortunately (or fortunately?) there are 9 people in my flat, 5 of which are Americans. Virginia, from Gettysburg, and me + Theresa from Rollins, Dani from Univ of Iowa and Nate from Denver. Poor Nate is also the only boy in the flat... But I think he likes it? The other British girls in the flat are all super sweet and we hang out a lot with one named Rachael who is a lot of fun.

* Freshers - First years, Freshmen. That's what we are technically considered (until our Reps realized that we are older and taking more advanced classes than them). Freshers Reps - Orientation Leaders. Freshers Week - Orientation. So what does this all mean? This past week was Freshers Week and our Reps were by far the best. Kate and Dave are my favorite and we love hanging out with them. Whereas Orientation is a lot of ice breakers and boring information sessions, Freshers week is more about short info sessions and lots of partying. Sponsored by the school. Freshers Flu - What everyone catches due to this. I am one of all in my flat who has this malady at the moment.

* Freshers fair is a 3 day fair that is filled with booths of clubs and societies as well as places out and about in Lancs, trying to get you to sign up for their goods and things. I originally signed up to do cheerleading, yes they have that, but you won't make the squad if you leave in December. Not that they couldn't use ANY American after I saw their performance... but oh well. Laura and Emily really want me to play Rounders (a "British version of softball only girlier and co-ed"). I went to the social last night (all clubs have socials - anything to get to a bar I guess?) to meet the team and they all seemed really nice so I may as well try it. I am however, doing the newspaper and our first meeting is today. They said it'd be awesome to have an international person do a feature column - Ask and you shall receive. Should be fun!

* Signing up for classes when you are an international student is one of the most taxing processes you may ever go through. If I was redoing college, I would come over here. It's cheaper and it's easier (you can retake your finals 4 times) but when you're an international exchange student, not only do you not have a full selection of classes offered, but you sign up 2 days after the other students have signed up slimming your chances even more. Evil. I never want to go through that process again. I am ending up taking Film & the Avant Garde (leaving my class next semester, and one first semester senior year to finish that minor!), Marketing Fundamentals and International Business. Technically I'm not qualified for the International Business class but after being there in lecture today I think I might be able to hold my own. Fingers crossed.

* Fish and chips is the best food to make you feel better about yourself. Sick? Eat fish & chips. Hungover? Eat fish & chips. Tired? Eat fish & chips... whatever the weather, it's going to make you feel better! Who knew I'd love fish? It's also apparently better for you than pizza, burger & fries or donner kebabs.

* Laura Hayes is my fresher as I call her. She's from just outside of Blackpool and is super adorable. Fri night we went out together (just us two, which was hilarious because normally all of us go out in groups of like 6 or 7) and had a cultural experience. We hung out at the fave spot Cuba, chatting with Stuart and Sam (Chris's replacement who I thoroughly enjoy yet am still bitter about Chris leaving) the bartenders and picking each other's brains. I am learning about British boys, the buttons on the toilet, X's, clothing... the works.

* There are 2 buttons (a big one and a small one) on the flusher of the toilet... big = big flush, small = small flush. I think that's hilarious.

* GPAs here are pretty simple 1 = 4.0-3.5, 2.1 = 3.5-3.0 2.2 = 3.0-2.5 3 = 2.5 and lower. Apparently it's near impossible to get a 3. Oh the British schooling system.

* I remember when Mike and I started talking and he would put X's on the end of everything and it freaked me out a little. Then he told me that it's a British thing. Oh lemme tell you it is. According to my ladies of England, if I don't put an X at the end of my texts, it basically means I hate you. An x is mandatory at the end of all text messages.
*There is a guy here who looks like Robert Pattinson (the guy from Twilight who is all the rage right now) and naturally, that meant I was determined to become friends with him. I have succeeded and have considered it one of my greatest accomplishments.

Well that's all for now... I have to get back to work but look forward to shorter & more frequent blogs about little things in British life. Gahhh even though I've had a fever for the past 2 days I'm so in love with this country!

Fylde proud!

My English brekkie & My room :)
Virginia, Me & Dani
British Friends! Dave & Kate - My Freshers Reps, Laura - My Fresher

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